UP Next...

The Astrology of Sondheim


Ft. Washington Collegiate Campus, 729 W 181st St.


Join us for a very special, one-night-only, cabaret performance by UP's Literary Manager Ashley O’Neill, who, as the title suggests, offers what the heavens themselves might observe about a certain American musical singularity.

Musical Accompaniment by Mark Galinovsky


Bread of Life

by Frank pagliaro

UP presents our 16th mainstage production chosen from our 2024 Dead of Winter reading series. The play tells the timely story of a mysterious messiah and the tragic upheaval thrust upon a disciple’s family.

march 26 – April 12

Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays – 7:00 PM; Saturdays – 2:00 PM

Directed by Leslie Kincaid Burby


Jesse Castellanos˚, Laura Fois Bosley˚, Miguel Reis, Nikaury Rodriguez˚, Rory Max Kaplin˚

˚ Member Actors’ Equity Association


Onward & UPward!

save the date

The UPtown Party of the Year: Onward & UPward
May 14, 2025

Dead of Winter Reading Series 2024

UPtown's pre-eminent new play reading series returns. Don't miss your opportunity to contribute to the development of these vital new works, which could eventually find their way to our mainstage.

All readings @ 3pm Ft. Washington Collegiate Campus (729 W. 181st Street, New York, NY 10033)


  • January 7th: FLOATING DOWN TO CAMELOT by Steven Satta, directed by Janice Goldberg A gay love story set on a liberal-arts college campus in the 70's. 

  • January 14th: WISH BONE by Phoebe Farber, directed by Betsy True A young woman with big dreams navigates various factions in her job at a chicken-processing plant. 

  • January 21th: TUMBLEWEED by Marcus Scott, directed by Dev Bondarin A young black girl with hair like a tumbleweed faces various standards of beauty both within and out of her immediate family. 

  • January 28th: BREAD OF LIFE by Frank Pagliaro, directed by Kirby Fields An unorthodox telling of the story of Christ. 

Our 2023-2024 Season Announced!

Join us for a Season of New Work!

Good Medicine

Written and Performed by Richard Grunn

November 16, 17, 18

Directed by Leslie Kincaid Burby
Music by Joe Burby and Henry Burby

Ft. Washington Collegiate Campus 729 W. 181st Street, NY, NY 10033

Looking for that fast fix? That miracle cure? That key to a better life? 

UP favorite Richard Grunn takes on the “Medicine Show” from the 19th century snake oil salesmen to the New Age gurus.
Just what the doctor ordered.

Reserve your FREE tickets: goodmedicine.eventcombo.com

A Christmas Diamond LIVE

by James Bosley
(based on characters created by Blake Edwards)
a Live Radio Play Reading
directed by Doug Bost

December - One Night Only (TBD)

United Palace Grand Foyer

Your favorite holiday special returns! That's right. You loved it on the radio, now experience this new holiday classic Live and In-person, featuring your favorite characters performed by your favorite UPtown actors.
FREE and Family Friendly

Dead of Winter Reading Series

4 Sundays in January 2024

Ft. Washington Collegiate Campus

UPtown's pre-eminent new play reading series returns. Don't miss your opportunity to contribute to the development of these vital new works, which could eventually find their way to our mainstage.

Showing UP - February 2024

UP's "half-baked and brand-spanking" variety show is back just in time for that most star-crossed time of year, Valentine's Day! We are actively seeking 10-minutes pieces with a heart-shaped theme. Monologues, scenes, songs, poems, stories, comedy, op-ed -- whatever you got, we'd LOVE to hear. Email your submission to info@uptheater.org.

Lost Sock Laundry by Ivan Faute

Directed by Madelyn Chapman

Spring 2024

This New York-set play about immigrants trying to adjust to their new country while clinging to their homelands emerged from UP's 2021 Renewal Reading Series. We are thrilled to give it the full production it deserves.

Summer Reading on Saturday, July 29th

“Nick and Nora Go Off Broadway“ by Bambi Everson

Saturday, July 29
4:00 PM

An al fresco play reading
Directed by Kirby Fields


Wynne Anders * Laura Bosley * James Bosley * Oona Higgins Steven Michael Martin * Frank Pagliaro * Leigh Selting * Victor Verhaeghe

Bring a lawn chair or blanket and join us up in Isham Park (near Bruce's Garden), Inwood


Reception to follow

The Best Punk Band in Conway, Missouri

Opening May 3rd!

UP Theater Company Presents

The Best Punk Band in Conway, Missouri:

An Oral History of Presley Cox and the Fallout Five

The story of an older punk rocker who is looking back at the hard knocks and glory days, and the band that propelled her to fame (sort of).

By Kirby Fields
Directed by Rachael Murray

MAY 3 - MAY 20, 2023
Wednesdays - Saturdays @ 8PM

Ft. Washington Collegiate Church Sanctuary
729 W. 181st Street, NY, NY 10033



Jason Guy*
Lisa Graham Parson
Devin Romero
Samantha Simone*
Henry Temple*
Kirk White*
Jess Wood

Scenic & Lighting Design – Duane Pagano
Costume Design - Molly Goldberg
Sound Design - David Margolin Lawson
Original music – Phil Yanos
Art – Ellen Lindner
Production Stage Manager – Chrystal Campbell*

Equity approved showcase

*Member of Actors’ Equity Association

UP Presents a reading of "Driver's Seat"

a one-act play written and performed

by Ellie Brelis

UP Theater presents this award-winning solo show depicting a young woman at the intersection of heartbreak, mental illness, identity, and, oh yeah, a global pandemic.

Saturday, April 1st

 at Buunni Cafe
4961 Broadway, New York, NY 10034

Doors open at 6:30 for a 7:00 curtain

Come early to enjoy Buunni's delicious menu 

Free Admission

Dead of Winter Reading Series 2023

Sundays @ 3pm in the Sanctuary of Ft. Washington Collegiate Church

729 W. 181st Street, Washington Heights

Join us for readings of these 4 new plays over 4 Sundays in January. All readings are FREE and are followed by a talkback with the playwright.

January 8th - Natchetochez by Seth McNeill In the aftermath of a nearby mass shooting, a family in the rural Deep South is confronted with questions of how well they know themselves and each other, what it means to be “one of us,” and how to handle history that they would rather forget.

January 15th – Once on Rumspringa by Ellis Abigail Stump
With 24 hours remaining in their Rumspringa, two Amish teen girls face a momentous decision: surrender their forbidden love or flee their hometown and be shunned forever

January 22nd – The Rehearsal by Steven Young
A desperate cast rehearses their production of Othello, helmed by an egomaniacal director.

January 29th – Lime-a-Rita Racist by Joshua Young
When a mild-mannered guy knocks the ever-loving shit out of a racist scumbag, it causes his coworker to wonder if toxic masculinity is still toxic if it’s used for good.

UP Announces our 2022-2023 Season!

August 6, 2022 - Summer Reading in Isham Park

“Lysistrata” by Aristophanes, freely adapted for our times by Kirby Fields

When a country increasingly restricts the rights of hold of its citizens, Lysistrata mobilizes to deny the other half the thing they want most.

Featuring: Mary Albert, Omar Camps-Kamrin, Kirby Fields, Laura Fois, Kirsten Hopkins, Kian Johnson, Lue McWilliams, Nikaury Rodriguez, Victor Verhaeghe

Sept. 17, 2022 - "Showing UP for Tara" 7pm @ Buuni Coffee, Inwood

UP brings back its curated open mic with this special edition, dedicated to UP's own Tara Mooney. Her unique comedic voice and free spirit will be honored with performances by some of her - and your - favorite uptown creatives.

Nov. 5, 2022 - “My Body No Choice” 7pm @ Buuni Coffee, Inwood

This series of monologues, commissioned by Arena Stage in response to the overturning of Roe v. Wade, features pieces by some of the country’s premiere female playwrights: Anonymous, Lee Cataluna, Fatima Dylan, Lisa Loomer, Dael Orlandersmith, Sarah Ruhl, Mary Hall Surface and V. directed by Nancy Robillard

Produced in collaboration with Arena Stage, UP Theater is one of only 20 theaters across the country producing a reading of this timely work.

December 8, 2022 - “A Christmas Diamond - Live!” 6pm @ The United Palace, Washington Heights

You loved it on the radio, now come and experience this new holiday classic, by James Bosley, featuring characters created by Blake Edwards, live and in person.

Directed by Doug Bost with Sound Design by David Margolin Lawson Featuring: Elizabeth A. Bell, Doug Bost, Laura Fois, Rik Walter, Jeff Ward, Victor Verhaeghe

January 2023 - "Dead of Winter Reading Series"

Four readings of four new plays over four January evenings

May 2023 - “The Best Punk Band in Conway, Missouri: An Oral History of Pressley Cox and the Fallout Five” by Kirby Fields

This story of an older punk rocker who is looking back at the hard knocks and glory days and the band that propelled her to fame (sort of) will by UP's 14th mainstage production.

May 2023 - "Onward & UPward"

Help us celebrate our 13th birthday as we gather together for food, drink, raffles and to honor our Upstanding Person of the Year

The Barn Re-Opens on May 4th

UP Theater Company presents

A Barn Play

by Lizzie Donahue

directed by Leslie Kincaid Burby+

a cast of farm animals perform a darkly comic fable for our time

May 4th - May 21st 2022

Wednesday - Saturday @ 8pm

Ft. Washington Collegiate Church (729 W. 181st St., NY, NY 10033)

Tickets: ABarnPlay.bpt.me


Mary Albert

April J. Barber

Ariel Blake

Adam Burby

Denisse Estefany Mendoza

Erin Nelson

Rik Walter*

Set Design - Duane Pagano

Costume Design - Hunter Dowell

Lighting Design - Diana Duecker

Sound Design - David Margolin Lawson

Graphic Design - Ellen Lindner

Production Stage Manager - Eszter Zador

Equity approved showcase

+ Member of the Stage Directors and Choreographers Society

*Member of Actors' Equity Association

"A Barn Play" is supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council.

This production is made possible in part with funding from UMEZ Arts Engagement, a regrant program supported by the Upper Manhattan Empowerment Zone Development Corporation (UMEZ) and administered by LMCC.

Further support for UP Theater comes from the Miranda Family Fund and The Medical Center Neighborhood Fund.

We are living in interesting times...

Dear Friend,

Congratulations on making it through another year! 2021 started in a social bubble and tentatively moved toward vaxxed and masked in-person gatherings with people you hadn’t seen in real life for far too long. The highlight of our year was once again getting to see you!

We started 2021 resolved to do two things: one, resume doing what we do best, namely develop new work; and two, do so on a platform other than Zoom! Which is how we found ourselves in February filming a reading of Kevin Kautzman’s timely and disturbing play, Moderation, which was viewed over 500 times on our YouTube channel. It felt great to be working in person with actors again, even if we didn’t yet have a live audience.

That changed when we produced a reading of an excerpt from Lizzie Donahue’s A Barn Play at Dyckman Farm House in June. As you may recall, the full production of the play was postponed in March 2020, and we were honored to welcome back the original actors and creative team for the readings. We played to two capacity houses and enjoyed robust talk-backs with members of Dyckman House’s education staff.

We amped up our live programming in the fall, when we presented a reading of Matt Schatz’s The Tallest Building in the World, a play about the creation of the World Trade Center, on the eve of the 20th anniversary of 9/11. In October, on four consecutive Saturdays, we presented readings of new plays that had been canceled or indefinitely postponed because of Covid as part of our Renewal Reading Series. These events were hosted by familiar partners (Buunni!) and new friends (Cornerstone Center!).

And we also continued producing some of our favorite discoveries from our remote programming: Radio Plays! We produced four surreal Escape! episodes in the early spring, which have so far garnered a thousand listens on YouTube, and we recorded a special holiday episode of Richard Diamond, featuring many of your favorite characters, available now on the UP Theater Channel.

We cannot wait to continue this trajectory in 2022, when we bring you even more Renewal readings, when we finally give A Barn Play the full production that it deserves this spring, and when we celebrate at The Hudson at our Onward & UPward! Gala on May 19, 2022.

None of this would be possible without your support. This holiday season, if you are able to do so, please consider donating to UP Theater so we can continue bringing you the provocative, entertaining, boundary-pushing theater you have come to expect. Donations are tax deductible and can be made via our website or by mailing a check. Just click that big red button below for instructions.

We can’t wait to see you in 2022.


Kirby Fields, Artistic Director

Renewal Reading Series

October 2nd

Allies by Michael John McGoldrick

directed by James Bosley

Buunni Cafe, Inwood

October 9th

The Best Damn Thing by Hanna Kime

directed by Ashley O’Neill

Buunni Café, Inwood

October 16th

Paper Chains by Loretta Oleck

directed by Nina Mehta

The Cornerstone Center, Washington Heights

 October 23rd

Thoughts and Prayers by Barbara Blumenthal-Ehrlich

directed by Rachael Murray

The Cornerstone Center, Washington Heights

Escape with Four New UP Radio Plays!

Tired of the everyday grind? Ever dream of a life of romantic adventure? Want to get away from it all? UP Theater offers you… ESCAPE!

Listen to all 4 episodes HERE

The Black Curtain - premiered May 9, 2021

You are lost in a city you don’t recognize, without a friend, unable to remember your own name. Hunted by a man you don’t even know, a deadly little man with grey eyes and a gun, from whom there is no -- ESCAPE!

Written by Cornell Woolrich * Directed by Doug Bost Sound Design & Engineering by David Margolin Lawson Transcribed by Sophia Cacace-Flynn

Carolyn Baeumler, James Bosley, Doug Bost, Martin Collins, Kirby Fields, Peter Flihan, Laura Fois, Devin Haqq, Nina Mehta, Jeff Ward

I Saw Myself Running - premiered May 16, 2021

You are standing in inky blackness looking up a long flight of stairs, at the top of which lurks something unbelievably evil. Out of the moving shadows behind you, coming closer to you, is a shadowy figure from which you must -- ESCAPE!

Written by Antony Ellis * Directed by Gregory Wolfe Sound Design & Engineering by David Margolin Lawson Transcribed by Ashley O’Neill

Elizabeth Bell, Joe Burby, Sarah Kiefer, James Wolfe

Finger of Doom - premiered May 23, 2021

 You are searching frantically through the dark, empty rooms of an apartment. Panic gripping at your heart. Terror at your heels. For the woman you love, who was with you a moment before, has vanished. As if into thin air. You feel trapped in a nightmare from which you cannot -- ESCAPE!

Written by Cornell Woolrich * Directed by Gregory Wolfe Sound Design & Engineering by David Margolin Lawson Transcribed by James Bosley

Mary Albert, Ciaran Byrne, Kirby Fields, Laura Fois, Stacey Scotte, Rik Walter, Jeff Ward, Gregory Wolfe

The Bride Wore Black - premiered June 1, 2021

 You are standing on the steps of a church, still dressed for your wedding. And in your arms is your loved one. Bleeding. Dead. Murdered by men you’ve never seen before. And you know you must not let those killers -- ESCAPE!

Written by Cornell Woolrich * Adapted for radio by Paul Monash Directed by Doug Bost Sound Design & Engineering by David Margolin Lawson Transcribed by James Bosley

Doug Bost, Joe Burby, Jonah Fields, Peter Flihan, Laura Fois, Nikaury Rodriguez,  Rik Walter, Jeff Ward

UP Radio Plays are supported in part by the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, in partnership with the City Council

"Moderation" by Kevin Kautzman - Premiered on our YouTube channel March 21, 2021

“A perfect show for our times."

UP Theater Company presents a reading of: MODERATION

a new play by Kevin Kautzman directed by Christian Parker

A story of two low-level employees at a content-moderation firm, the play explores the degree to which their minds are infected by the lies and depravity that permeate contemporary society, from Bigfoot to QAnon!

Featuring: Mary Albert & Michael Bakkensen

Filmed entirely -- and safely -- on location at 809 Restaurant in Inwood, NYC.

Watch it here! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqGPvt12e9w

Production Staff:

Director for the Camera: Kirby Fields

Cinematographer: Duane Pagano

Sound Designer: David Margolin Lawson

Editor: Patrick Avella

Music: Kevin MacLeod

Producers: Laura Fois Bosley, Rik Walter

Episode 4: "The Gibson Murder Case" premiered on Oct. 1, 2020

An attempted blackmail scheme by a criminal couple goes south when the target threatens to call the police. When his corpse is discovered in the upstairs apartment of a quirky young school teacher, Richard Diamond is engaged to solve the case.

Written by Blake Edwards and Transcribed by Fred Matzner Directed by Doug Bost Sound Design & Engineering - David Margolin Lawson Musical Direction - Keith Burton PSA Written by James Bosley

CAST (in order of appearance):

 ANNOUNCER – Martin Collins


VIRGINIA AUSTIN – Elizabeth Bell



HELEN ASHER – Laura Fois

ESTHER BLODGETT – Nikaury Rodriguez

SGT. OTIS – Ken Dillon


MISS GIBSON – Elizabeth Bell


LANDLADY – Laura Fois

PSA Announcer – Peter Flihan

Episode Three: "The Thomas Jason Case" premiered Sept. 22nd.

A retired stockbroker suspects that his stepdaughter is trying to kill him. He employs Richard Diamond to investigate. But when the stockbroker suddenly goes missing, Diamond suspects foul play, and uncovers a sinister scheme inside… an insane asylum.

Written by Blake Edwards and Transcribed by Fred Matzner Directed by Gregory Wolfe Sound Design & Engineering - David Margolin Lawson Musical Direction - Keith Burton PSA Written by James Bosley

CAST (in order of appearance):

ANNOUNCER - Martin Collins 



HELEN ASHER - Laura Fois

SGT. OTIS - Ken Dillon 


CAROL JASON - Nina Mehta

BRAZZO - Gregory Wolfe 

DR. THORNE - Steven Martin 

PSA ANNOUNCER: Peter Flihan 

Episode Two: "The Isham House Mystery" premiered on Sept. 15, 2020

A dead millionaire with a lousy sense of humor is haunting his widow to force her to give up her inheritance. Richard Diamond is employed to spend the night in her house. Hidden passages, basement crypts, and creepy butlers make for…a dark and stormy night.

Written by Blake Edwards and Transcribed by Fred Matzner Directed by Doug Bost Sound Design & Engineering - David Margolin Lawson Musical Direction - Keith Burton

CAST (in order of appearance):

ANNOUNCER - Martin Collins RICHARD DIAMOND - Rik Walter JULIA ISHAM - Lisa Karlin SGT. OTIS - Ken Dillon LT. WALT LEVINSON - Jeff Ward KANE - Victor Verhaeghe GHOST - Doug Bost. PSA ANNOUNCER: Peter Flihan HELEN ASHER - Laura Fois

UP Presents "Richard Diamond Private Detective" Sept. 8, 15, 22, 29, 2020

For the first time UP is producing Radio Plays, presenting 4 episodes of the 1949 series “Richard Diamond Private Detective.” Written by Blake Edwards and starring Dick Powell, these nostalgic pieces are a fun return to a simpler time.

Episode One, “The Betty Moran Case” will premiere on Sept. 8th: (click on the link at the top of the page to listen in on our YouTube Channel)

The double murder of a rich socialite and a blackmailing thug lead the police to think it a murder/suicide. But the grieving husband wants to get justice for his dead wife and so he pays a visit to the offices of Richard Diamond.

Written by Blake Edwards and Transcribed by Fred Matzner Directed by Gregory Wolfe Sound Design & Engineering - David Margolin Lawson Musical Direction - Keith Burton

CAST: (in order of appearance)

ANNOUNCER - Martin Collins RICHARD DIAMOND - Rik Walter BETTY MORAN - Connie Castanzo MAC GRAYSON - Gregory Wolfe NEWSBOY - Deirdre Cipolla LOUIE OSGOOD - Ken Dillon WILLIAM MORAN - Ax Norman SGT. OTIS - Ken Dillon LT. WALT LEVINSON - Jeff Ward WILBUR TRUETT - James Bosley PSA ANNOUNCER: Peter Flihan FACTORY WORKER - James Bosley FRANCIS - Gregory Wolfe HELEN ASHER - Laura Fois

“Richard Diamond, Private Detective” Radio Series is Produced by UP Theater Company, and made possible by the generous support of: Lower Manhattan Cultural Council and the Upper Manhattan Empowerment Zone

Announcing our "Renewal Reading Series" - Call for submissions!

We here at UP lament the postponement of Lizzie Donahue's A BARN PLAY. We are committed to its production during our 2020-21 season. We find some solace in knowing that our play was only one of countless productions from around the world that were cut short, postponed, or canceled outright. 

 In the interest of honoring new works that were on the cusp of taking their next step before outside forces intervened, UP is issuing a call for scripts of new plays whose readings, workshops, or productions were impacted by the Coronavirus. We will select up to eight plays to present as readings during our 2020-21 season. 

We are calling this series "Renewal"  - the opposite of "canceled - and we hope to breathe new life into this work.

Click HERE for submission guidelines

To say that these are uncertain times feels trite. So we will instead say that we will get through them and that we look forward to seeing you on the other side.